What We Do

Unity of Ann Arbor sponsors a variety of activities aimed at furthering the spiritual growth of individuals and our whole community.
See below for details about how to get involved!

  • Sacred Circle Meditation & Reiki Sharing @ 10:30am Saturdays (usually 2nd Sat. of each month)
    Monthly in-person gathering at the church or nearby outdoor location, from 10:30am to noon.  The first 45 min. are devoted to meditation; the next 45 min. to Reiki/energy sharing, observing current public-health protocols, for healing, improved energy balance, etc.  Love offering to UA2 suggested but not required.  Led by Joy Kauer.  For updates/details, please visit:  Sacred Circle Facebook page and/or email sacredcircleua2@unitya2.org.
  • Distance Reiki by trained practitioners is also available, on a love-offering basis to benefit Unity of Ann Arbor.  This can be for you, or for someone you designate, with their permission.  To arrange, please phone 734-434-8545 or email sacredcircleua2@unitya2.org.

  • Our Prayer Ministry – Prayer requests are kept confidential. You may deposit your prayer requests in the Prayer Box in the lobby/entrance area, or email to staff@unitya2.org.  This ministry is in addition, and complementary to, the Silent Unity prayer ministry offered by Unity Worldwide Ministries.

  • Workshops, classes, and concerts are held periodically, to support and enhance your spiritual growth.  Please watch for announcements on our Facebook page, Event Calendar, and monthly e-newsletter.
  • Free monthly e-newsletter is available to update you on Unity of Ann Arbor activities and resources from Unity Worldwide Ministries.  To subscribe, simply send your preferred email address to staff@unitya2.org.
  • Office phone 734-434-8545