Unity was founded as the “School of Practical Christianity” in 1889 by Charles and Myrtle Fillmore. Today it is a thriving, vital educational movement. Non-sectarian in its approach to religion, and international in its outreach, Unity teachings and services are offered to all.
Five Basic Unity Principles
- There is only one Presence and one Power active in the universe and in my life, God the Good.
- Our essence is of God; therefore, we are inherently good. This God essence, called the Christ, was fully expressed in Jesus.
- We are co-creators with God, creating reality through thoughts held in mind.
- Through prayer and meditation, we align our heart-mind with God, Denials and affirmations are tools we use.
- Through thoughts, words and actions, we live the Truth we know.
“Unity is a link in the great educational movement inaugurated by Jesus Christ; our objective is to discern the truth in Christianity and prove it. The truth that we teach is not new, neither do we claim special revelations or discovery of new religious principles. Our purpose is to help and teach mankind to use and prove the eternal Truth taught by the Master.”
~ by Charles Fillmore, co-founder of Unity

My Faith:
- I do not believe in evil, I believe in God.
- I do not believe in sin, I believe in Truth.
- I do not believe in want, I believe in abundance.
- I do not believe in ignorance, I believe in intelligence.
- There are no discords in my being. Being is peace.
- My faith, understanding, and love are one.
~ by Myrtle Fillmore, co-founder of Unity, dated 1897
“What therefore God hath joined together, let not man put asunder.” – Mark 10:9 (KJV)